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I'm back after my short drive out to Las Vegas.
glennlab comments on Jun 21, 2021:
Silly me drove almost 1000 miles on Saturday, so I wouldn't hit rush hour traffic in DFW not realizing it was Sunday when I would hit DFW. Retirement does have some drawbacks, but I'll live with them.
No Botox soft porn wife or corrupt AG either…
glennlab comments on Jun 21, 2021:
There is a lot to be said for normalcy.
Melania was 'nowhere to be found' as Trump celebrated 75th birthday with family and friends | ...
glennlab comments on Jun 21, 2021:
I'm pretty sure her renegotiated pre-nup took out her infidelity clause so she was probably out with the new pool boy
If you ever find yourself among a group of people while you’re wearing a mask and they start ...
glennlab comments on Jun 21, 2021:
Now I know what to do with the stockpile I have left.
here’s some more
glennlab comments on Jun 21, 2021:
blood draw, fuck the all natural method
I’ve been gathering these
glennlab comments on Jun 21, 2021:
I wouldn't get caught either, is the correct response
Going for quantity and not necessarily quality
glennlab comments on Jun 21, 2021:
liked them all, good job
Living in the Southwestern desert!
glennlab comments on Jun 17, 2021:
it was 120 yesterday, got in the car, it told me just go without it, it was staying in the shade.
No not reading & rating this Meme...
glennlab comments on Jun 14, 2021:
got to admire their rebellion, lol
Dad joke alert! 🤣
glennlab comments on Jun 14, 2021:
I sent this to my friend who practices midwifery.
Nearly half of North Carolina rioters who stormed the Capitol for Trump didn't even vote in the 2020...
glennlab comments on Jun 14, 2021:
You don't vote and you don't deserve a seat at the table, they should go back to the kiddie table and let the adults work it out.
They clear felled this area of forest, but left behind the Ash tree, because they only wanted the ...
glennlab comments on Jun 14, 2021:
life finds a way. It probably has a root system that will allow it to rapidly fill out and fill in. Plus no one around to steal all the food, water ands sunlight
Watergate prosecutor explains why it's Bill Barr and Jeff Sessions are lying they knew nothing of ...
glennlab comments on Jun 14, 2021:
Going to be a paper trail, whoever stood before the judge to request the data, will likely be the first to roll, and lose their law license unless they have someone big to give up
Just was sent this!
glennlab comments on Jun 14, 2021:
I really feel she is just as evil as he is, No captives there.
I'm not ready either
glennlab comments on Jun 14, 2021:
C'mon Bob, you're retired, how bad can Monday be?
Happy puppy getting a package
glennlab comments on Jun 14, 2021:
Give him his package and he won't grow up to hate the UPS driver.
On global stage, Biden enjoys respect Trump could only dream of
glennlab comments on Jun 14, 2021:
It's great to wake up and not wonder whether we are at war anymore. Quiet diplomacy beats chest thumping most of the time and it allows the loser to save face rather than retaliate to save face.
WATCH: Maryland cops brutalize teens for vaping on boardwalk []
glennlab comments on Jun 14, 2021:
It looks like the policing problem is more than a few bad apples, but when you leave bad apples in the barrel, you end up with an entire barrel of bad apples. Based on the video, I would call that an excessive use of force and official oppression.
Monologue: Irreconcilable Differences | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) - YouTube
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2021:
Loved the comment about Pence, "His biggest accomplishment was not getting hung by his own people", pretty low bar for Harris to jump over.
I do spend some time looking out of my back door.
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2021:
Not sure, but looks a bit drunk.
Jan 6 was 'just the beginning': Extremist-fighting sheriff makes a frightening prediction about the ...
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2021:
Spokane area has been the Home of the John Birch Society, the Aryan Nations, the KKK and just about every right wing nut job group, so I can understand his pessimism.
'Lauren going full Q again': GOPer Boebert buried for ramping up new conspiracy theory after ...
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2021:
Last I saw her district is so fed up, that she will be lucky to make it out of the primary.
Their new mantra
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2021:
You think they might have their priorities all fucked up?
Memes I have seen
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2021:
really like the social distancing animal
More memes I have seen
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2021:
good, as always.
Can't fool a dog
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2021:
Did you say Bacon
A Pharmacist Who Deliberately Ruined COVID Vaccine Doses Is Going To Prison : NPR
glennlab comments on Jun 12, 2021:
totally dissevered
The slow leak of Trump's corruption is becoming a problem for Biden's DOJ []
glennlab comments on Jun 12, 2021:
They need to impanel a special prosecutor with subpoena power asnd fire anyone hired under Trump, period, if they have civil service protection, remove them from any position of power until the investigation is over
Is there anyone else out there who also refers to charging their phone as "hanging it up?
glennlab comments on Jun 12, 2021:
Not me, but I see nothing wrong with calling it whatever you want to.
Yes she does
glennlab comments on Jun 12, 2021:
Oh yes, a thousand times yes.
There's something happening....
glennlab comments on Jun 12, 2021:
Now that is some BS.
Food safety tip 27.
glennlab comments on Jun 12, 2021:
I almost always defrost either in water or the fridge. Water is 800 times the density of air and conducts heat 800 times better than air
Ron Johnson said worming medications could be used to prevent COVID-19.
glennlab comments on Jun 12, 2021:
He should try it, over and over
I decided to put out regular bark mulch this year (vs.
glennlab comments on Jun 12, 2021:
Love the large white flowers. But all of it is stunning.
To all who celebrate Father's Day: []
glennlab comments on Jun 11, 2021:
I don't celebrate Father's day, my son has decided that rather than celebrating Mother's Day and Father's Day, he takes both of us out to dinner for Parent's Day his own made up holiday and the eating establishments are so crowded that you can't get a reservation. Loved the video.
How are your gardens doing?
glennlab comments on Jun 11, 2021:
My squash has succumbed to the squash bugs, but I got fruit. My beans have almost finished producing, but I got good beans off them. My tomatoes are still setting fruit, which in North Texas in mid June is rare. I have eggplants that I'm watching. My mint really needs to be severely harvested. I've been watering with my fishpond water and the plants seem to love it.
(Satire Alert!!!) Local Crybaby Moron Still Thinks He’s Going to be President in August ...
glennlab comments on Jun 11, 2021:
Something is happening in August, I'm going to vote for indictment.
Possibly Edison did steal from him
glennlab comments on Jun 11, 2021:
We've Been Telling the Alamo Story Wrong for Nearly 200 Years. Now It's Time to Correct the Record
glennlab comments on Jun 11, 2021:
One of my professors at University of Houston, did a great book back in 1982 ,Juan Davis Bradburn: A Reappraisal of the Mexican Commander of Anahuac by Margaret Swett Henson. She did her research both in the US and Mexico. She also taught women in American History. Quite the revisionist and a damned good teacher.
Trump's Ukraine negotiator appears to have lied under oath during the first impeachment trial: ...
glennlab comments on Jun 10, 2021:
Pretty easy to get Acquitted if all you co conspirators lie like hell during the trial
Mars helicopter Ingenuity aces 7th on the Red Planet Ingenuity made its way to another new ...
glennlab comments on Jun 9, 2021:
Once again NASA has had a piece of their exploratory equipment far exceed its original projected life.
Once More, Into the World of "You Can't Make this Up!": []
glennlab comments on Jun 9, 2021:
With a district made up of East Texas piney woods, his constituents are almost as dumb as he is. Most who get an education leave for greener pastures in DFW or Houston. He is an embarrassment to the Texas GOP and that is saying a lot.
Eat more vegetables! Lol
glennlab comments on Jun 9, 2021:
they are going to need 6 more asshole
Great idea! Lol
glennlab comments on Jun 9, 2021:
done it
Who the fuck could bankrupt a casino?
glennlab comments on Jun 9, 2021:
I believe that number is 7
Spot the difference?? 😳😳😳😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😆😁
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2021:
I can relate
Crystal clear 😁😁😃😀😀😃😄😄
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2021:
Last year was much worse for me, cancer, covid, and no traveling.
In today's social media discovery corner, I learned about this guy.
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2021:
Most people were never taught about most of the atrocities that have been committed worldwide.
The Washington Post’s Mensa invitational once again asked readers to take any word from the ...
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2021:
love it
Biden DOJ Will Keep Defending Trump on Rape Defamation Case []
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2021:
One of the problems with lower level (below AG) attorneys not being replaced fast enough is that the prior admins holdovers continue to make decisions. Waco was a prime example, of getting a newly appointed AG to sign off without full knowledge or background. Any legal opinion of Barr should be fully reviewed with the intent of overturning it.
Homophobic preacher has meltdown over tolerant preaching
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2021:
Me thinks he doth protest too much.
Been awhile since I've seen this...
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2021:
Between that and methyolate, every kid looked like they had been painted red.
Frank? Is that you???
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2021:
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Nana was a rebel, too! (y)
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2021:
Seeing that just burns me up, lol
I do not trip over things... I just perform random gravity checks!
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2021:
I know that feeling well
A good day except for
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2021:
Jonesing much?
Yup no facts found
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2021:
He's just continuing to act like he's still president. Golf all day, lie all night.
Really? Try Phoenix in'd have a puddle!
glennlab comments on Jun 7, 2021:
Another reason to keep a towel to put on the seat and wear driving gloves for the first 20 minutes in Phoenix
Rule 1: We don't talk about Fart Club...
glennlab comments on Jun 7, 2021:
that would be one gassy horse
Penny wise, dollar(s) paid out in lawsuits...
glennlab comments on Jun 7, 2021:
why, did the last one light out? Shocking!
Shitty cruise... LOL
glennlab comments on Jun 7, 2021:
He better hold up his tail to tell whether he is walking or rolling
glennlab comments on Jun 7, 2021:
You too?
There comes a point in life where you just don't need or want somebody trying to blow sunshine up ...
glennlab comments on Jun 7, 2021:
but that would never fit in a meme! lol
trying this with the neighbor's trash they are really annoying....
glennlab comments on Jun 7, 2021:
When you notice the guys with ties on digging through your garbage every week, it might present a problem.
MAGA fan praises Trump for rushing out the vaccine - but won’t get it because it was rushed ...
glennlab comments on Jun 7, 2021:
You can't defeat circular logic
They need somebody to take the fall. Better to use Junior. He's not doing anything anyway.
glennlab comments on Jun 7, 2021:
He might try, but that would be like the prosecutor letting the Mafia Don go in exchange for a few of his underlings that they already had.
New Monday groaner
glennlab comments on Jun 7, 2021:
We all knew the answer to that
glennlab comments on Jun 7, 2021:
The reason he always walks funny and sits like he just took a shit
(Figured I'd Post some Political Satire here for a change.
glennlab comments on Jun 7, 2021:
This is almost too true to be satire, except the part where he admits his ignorance
Just too funny
glennlab comments on Jun 7, 2021:
Karma example
A very timely bit of information!
glennlab comments on Jun 7, 2021:
People forget that even items that would normally be compostable, if improperly left, might last for a few weeks to several years. good message.
Excuses, excuses....
glennlab comments on Jun 7, 2021:
Very simalar to what FDR said when he signed the first minimum wage law.
A good philosophy for life
glennlab comments on Jun 7, 2021:
So true.
A good philosophy
glennlab comments on Jun 7, 2021:
You bet
Something we need to fix
glennlab comments on Jun 7, 2021:
The second half is more important than the first. I found my health improved once I was able to see whatever specialist I needed without worrying about cost.
Combat engineers at their best
glennlab comments on Jun 7, 2021:
kaboom works when other things have failed.
I think I see what the problem is...
glennlab comments on Jun 7, 2021:
Should tell him just to push it in harder, upside down.
I was having troubles getting back on this site - long story.
glennlab comments on Jun 7, 2021:
good to see you back
I'll sit this one out!
glennlab comments on Jun 6, 2021:
Do they really need a sign?
A picture for all you Hairy Otter fans....
glennlab comments on Jun 6, 2021:
otter abuse!
LOLOL!!! 😂 (I forgot the link earlier. Here it is:) Trump's Pants On Backwards?
glennlab comments on Jun 6, 2021:
He's too cheap to hire a tailer so he just got thje best off the rack that would fit over his depends.
Trump No Fly Zone []
glennlab comments on Jun 6, 2021:
He had to wear the super absorbent Depends. Explains his big as bulge.
One of my super star, enthusiastic students told me that he wants to be a priest when he grows up.
glennlab comments on Jun 6, 2021:
My condolences
I dated one of those before! Lol
glennlab comments on Jun 6, 2021:
Had a couple of those, they are hard to extract.
glennlab comments on Jun 6, 2021:
Wow, just Wow.
More Trumpists...and they walk amongst us. 🙄
glennlab comments on Jun 6, 2021:
the stupid, it hurts.
glennlab comments on Jun 6, 2021:
We could arrange for their transfer to be under the flag they love, but they are not going to like it there.
Americans most likely Trumpists... embarrassing
glennlab comments on Jun 6, 2021:
god ones
These right here should explain how Trump got elected. JHC
glennlab comments on Jun 6, 2021:
You can't fix stupid
Sunday morning cuteness
glennlab comments on Jun 6, 2021:
Veterans group official resigns over censored Memorial Day speech that highlighted Black history
glennlab comments on Jun 6, 2021:
Glad to see this follow up to the original story, some justice was served.
Yeah, Bible study 😂
glennlab comments on Jun 5, 2021:
I guess not knowing is better if it going to destroy your belief system.
Ha, futile. Elephants gonna do whatever they want.
glennlab comments on Jun 5, 2021:
How do they even fit them in cars? Why are there so many in cars that a sign is necessary?
I didn't notice this atrocity! Lol
glennlab comments on Jun 5, 2021:
The reason they only had 4 regulars.
Never forget standing tank man. 32 years later
glennlab comments on Jun 5, 2021:
You forgot, murdered for his beliefs.
Why am I not suprised
glennlab comments on Jun 5, 2021:
tough shit, you got what you deserved
Priest in politics following the Trump grifter model: []
glennlab comments on Jun 5, 2021:
It is despicable that there are so many people willing to follow fools.
Two fawns in one week 😱 my side yard is the chosen stop for those does.
glennlab comments on Jun 5, 2021:
You didn't realize that you were the appointed babysitter?
Yes I'm a human. Yes I'm a sports car. Yes I'm getting out of here as fast as I can...
glennlab comments on Jun 5, 2021:
say whaaaaaat?
I hope that previous meat-eating vegan doesn't come down with this...
glennlab comments on Jun 5, 2021:
alright , Emiley. Nevermind.


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