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Who else misses some of those old advertisements from the 60's ???
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2020:
with the twin peaks bra lol?
Yikes thats a bad day
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2020:
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2020:
Going to have a brisk one?
Forgive me if these are repeats.
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2020:
petting zoo lol
No idea where did I steal this one but definitely gave me a good laugh 😊
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2020:
Could have been what she was hoping for.
Man , either my older dog is loosing his mind , either I am the most fearful human I know , perhaps ...
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2020:
Knowing Mr marcello, I would go for the psych eval. Puppers can be very strange for no apparent reason. Good luck.
Steppenwolf Magic Carpet Ride Awesome song and group []
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2020:
Listened to this all through high school. good choice.
Dog lovers! Should the breed, pit bull, be eliminated?
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2020:
First of all pit bull is not a breed, Second, hell no. Most of these dogs, because of their weight and size are more frightening than anything else, but most are pussy cats. The fact that you would even ask this question shows your lack of understanding about dogs. Get educated on what makes a good dog and a good dog owner.
This meme is true, but not funny.
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2020:
and a lot of the shit doesn't show up for years or even decades. He is currently trying to cut veteran benefits so his people can make more profits.
Bone spurs heredity
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2020:
But I bet he's had more clap shots than any service member.
I’m new. How does this live chat work?
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2020:
Welcome, just click on the chat room.
Daily duo .
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2020:
good ones
Faux Meat Makers Plan to Market a New Pork Alternative Between trade tariffs and the specter of...
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2020:
Made from chicken,
Really pretty foursome! Fire opal Fluorite from Beihilfe Mine, Halsbrucke, Freiberg, Saxony, ...
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2020:
All four are beautiful
Daily duo .
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2020:
correlation versus causation, probably the most clear example ever. Yea,
Prevent mistakes
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2020:
Accidents cause people.
How to bury pets.....
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2020:
I live on an escarpment of Austin chalk, My soil is less than 6 inches to rock. Years ago I dug a compost pit about 2 x 2. That pit has been the grave to many of my companions over the years. I can imagine what future bone diggers would think.
While burying my cats in the garden is inevitable, this might help me get through the grief:
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2020:
I live on an escarpment of Austin chalk, My soil is less than 6 inches to rock. Years ago I dug a compost pit about 2 x 2. That pit has been the grave to many of my companions over the years. I can imagine what future bone diggers would think.
Telling the truth...
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2020:
I've always thought it was arrogant, if there was a god, that anyone could believe to know what he was thinking.
You must be this tall to ride this ride
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2020:
they're being returned for the deposit .
Must be Monday funnies 😉😀
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2020:
good ones.
Mailed to my daughter journals I wrote about her. An excerpt.
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2020:
Now that my son is getting married, he has suddenly gotten an interest in those things. She asked if he had any baby pictures, he thought I might have a few, He went home with 2 large boxes of pictures, 3 albums and his baby book.
Something to consider! Lol
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2020:
He better watch out for Donnie Jr and Eric, that's more money than they would inherit from him based on his debt load.
Sounds good to me. Not looking good so far
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2020:
But how do you return it?
What is the one Truth or Method of finding the truth that you hold sacred above all others?
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2020:
question and research, and be prepared to change my opinion when they don't support it.
Please say hello to @Bioldguy who has joined the group. forward to some great music .
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2020:
Welcome @Bioldguy
Ivanka and Trump Organization linked to Suleimani’s front company
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2020:
There is no level that this crud will not sink to.
WORST BIRTHDAY STORIES Today I'm 62! 43 years ago I was in Army Basic Training at Ft.
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2020:
Happy Birthday
What's your tan🤣😂
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2020:
accountant's tan, only shows up after April 15th
As Tensions With Iran Escalated, Trump Opted for an Extreme Measure So there are other assholes ...
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2020:
Since the Cuban Missile Crisis, the US has had plans that were too ridiculous to ever use. We have them to be able to scale back and for the people at the top to realize how quickly these things can escalate, I still cringe when i see the beginning of crazy stuff.
Hi, so is anyone from the great lakes area?
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2020:
Down in Dallas
Hackers deface U.S. government website with pro-Iranian message []
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2020:
A little defended, low value target, they need to screw with Trump's hotel & resort reservation systems if they want to retaliate.
Double entendre?
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2020:
A dirty mind is a great comfort.
It's such good exercise
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2020:
Me too, partners in crime.
How hungry are you?
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2020:
LMAO funny
I'm curious what people here think about online dating in general and more specifically what the ...
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2020:
If you set up a date and get cold feet for any reason, it is ok to break the date, but human decency requires that the person breaking the date should inform the other party, no excuse.
A kid learning some new words
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2020:
Probably knew most of them before then. But he can ask real loud when they are in the airplane for the ones he didn't understand.
Eating the Beatles whole.
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2020:
Not what I expected from the cover photo or the title
That is a funny idea
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2020:
a fleecing moment.
Winter sport...
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2020:
Mine is sprinting back to the warm part of the house after a fill up. actually a brisk walk
Just made a donation to the Australian wildfires.....anyone joining me?
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2020:
already done.
Why do his poor ass followers not realize this?
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2020:
They see themselves as temporarily financially inconvenienced millionaires
In Case of Emergency...
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2020:
Holy Cheese (Swiss) is heaven'
Of Mice and God really man-made?
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2020:
Cheesus Christ
I don't care if you like sports or not - that is some funny sht right there 🤣🤣🤣
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2020:
With all the speculation in the local and national press, it is timely and funny
Yeah, how do you do that?
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2020:
Sadly, this is true.
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2020:
I would be a large chunky spicy.
Nicely illustrated.
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2020:
better chance that someone will read it rather than taste and pour out.
Don't remember if it worked, though.
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2020:
did it work?
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2020:
The person with the LNO (limited Nuclear Option) folder should leave the room before the next discussion
That's one way to make a splash.
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2020:
Got me banned from the church.
Biodiversity Heritage Library Puts 2 Million Botanical Illustrations Online for Free ...
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2020:
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2020:
Spring has sprung, The grass is riz April is where the sexin iz.
I always enjoy posting religious memes on a Sunday morning. :)
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2020:
Nice set.
Finishing off some holiday fruits, I discovered something new my dog loves, and is good for her - ...
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2020:
I used to have to fight my dog over my tomatoes, he'd strip them off the vine just as they reached peak ripeness. If i had known they were bad for him i would have moved them several years earlier.
Let's talk about Nothing!
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2020:
Ok by me! .
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2020:
That thought seems to be making the rounds, I hope our congress is listening and make the deal.
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2020:
Why don't we offer Mar a largo as a peace offering target to the Iranians? They can take it out and we call it even. Double points if Trump is there at the time.
My good friends Cindy and Chris are hopefully watching the NE Patriots beat the Tennessee Titans.
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2020:
Sorry about that.
The United States' main allies are abandoning Trump over his 'dangerous escalation' with Iran ...
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2020:
He needs a tow tractor to pull his head out of his ass before he sends us into the WW3.
I don't keep my phone in my bedroom at night ...
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2020:
The only time I have my phone in the bedroom is if I am expecting a call. and how do you set your phone to DND? Why would the dungeon Master be calling after midnight?
Something about her was familiar... []
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2020:
First time I've listened to the words in a long time. melancholy
I am nearing the edge:
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2020:
I'll buy you a bowl of soup next time I'm in the neighborhood.
Ass kisser or cocksucker of the year? []
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2020:
The brain damage is contagious.
Dumb and Dumber
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2020:
uh oh
It's just like the song War Pigs.
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2020:
I see an outbreak of back problems. A big yellow streak going down the middle of it.
This floating tent offers you a cool new way to die while camping. []
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2020:
Way too many questions. and most of them will remain unanswered since it looks like a really bad idea.
What a pain.
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2020:
That's one "dog" that I'd be glad escaped from my yard.
Everything That Pissed Off Lewis Black in 2019 | The Daily Show []
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2020:
Love Lewis Black
Most definitely☕☕🤗☕☕
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2020:
The no cleaning is a given for me, but cooking, that is like love to me. So I will be cooking.
For the dog lovers.
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2020:
#2 is great
I joined this group because I do not see any proof whatsoever that god exists! The bible is ...
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2020:
My latest collection of memes.
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2020:
all good.
Nope lol definitely
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2020:
tiny hands, tiny missile
Wondered about that
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2020:
window wears it better
Anyone use this chatroom?
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2020:
Just join in it, someone may stop by,it depends on who is awake and who is around. They'll see someone in it if you are there.
That would be great!
glennlab comments on Jan 3, 2020:
going to need volunteers to help with my diet and exercise program.
Why yes, I have.
glennlab comments on Jan 3, 2020:
never made me smoke.
Photographer Takes Photos Of Cats High On Catnip, And The Results Are Brilliant - Healthy Food House
glennlab comments on Jan 3, 2020:
My mothers dog of 17 years, Rufus, crossed the rainbow bridge on New Years Eve.
glennlab comments on Jan 3, 2020:
Sorry for your family's loss
Religion in the workplace
glennlab comments on Jan 3, 2020:
read up on title VII of the civil rights act, hopefully you will never need it, but it is good to know you rights,
A little climate joke to give you a laugh followed by mixed feelings of guilt over climate change.
glennlab comments on Jan 3, 2020:
Anything too serious to joke about is too serious to talk about., go for it.
How do you stop swearing?
glennlab comments on Jan 3, 2020:
My second reply
How do you stop swearing?
glennlab comments on Jan 2, 2020:
No idea, I make sailors blush at times.
Good luck with that.
glennlab comments on Jan 2, 2020:
they've decided that god to make gay lions OK and they could have babies. Head firmly up their kiesters.
I paid $200+ for my Wii way back when, and every gaming store I called to sell it said they weren't ...
glennlab comments on Jan 2, 2020:
If you think cars lose value quickly, try selling a computer .
Can't be unseen.
glennlab comments on Jan 2, 2020:
Because he won't eat the chicken, he knows whats in those 11 herbs and spices.
glennlab comments on Jan 2, 2020:
like this
Can you tell me all about Steve Lukather?
glennlab comments on Jan 2, 2020:
He has one hell of a discography
Antiques Roadshow for weirdos like me.
glennlab comments on Jan 2, 2020:
LMAO, good set.
Nice title combos.
glennlab comments on Jan 2, 2020:
They gave Dick a hard workout.
Are those thumbs? Or...
glennlab comments on Jan 2, 2020:
speaking of not giving a fuck.
Bowie the Rescue cat has it going on []
glennlab comments on Jan 2, 2020:
I kitten, 3 fathers
There are individuals who believe that being spiritual and religious are not the same thing.
glennlab comments on Jan 2, 2020:
In order to even enter this discussion, I would need a definition of terms, or we will be debating in circles.
National Geographic’s best photos of the decade.
glennlab comments on Jan 2, 2020:
Very good catch. NG has a great way of telling a huge story with their pictures.
It makes a great fire starter too!
glennlab comments on Jan 2, 2020:
All blank pages
Live large anyway.
glennlab comments on Jan 2, 2020:
Darwin award contestants.
A little New Year excitement for me! First turmeric harvest and this is one spadeful!
glennlab comments on Jan 2, 2020:
Happy New years to all and Happy birthday to me woohoo! I'm 30 years old, an official adult ...
glennlab comments on Jan 2, 2020:
Happy Birthday
Did you ever have one of these growing up? Not me☹
glennlab comments on Jan 2, 2020:
Yep, worked well until the head got destroyed, so I had to put it down,


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My son's Masters in Economics 2016
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My son's wedding Aug 2021
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