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It's not just me then?
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2019:
Now highway to hell is going to be stuck with me all day.
Arkansas gold Who wants to go mining in Arkansas? This haul is worth $4 mil.
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2019:
I go every couple of years, I try to go when school is in so I don't have to deal with the families with little regard for other's safety.
Hi all.
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2019:
Come on in and voice your opinions as you are comfortable. Welcome to the show.
There are a lot of products in supermarkets that I would never buy.
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2019:
it depends on how hungry I am
So all those bottles must be empty ...
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2019:
I'm 65, totally disabled by the VA, my response in the to the question in the ER at the VA was check your fucking records. if it's not there, I'm not taking it.
I hope this doesn't offend anyone, but i found these two doing the dirty in my breezeway.
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2019:
I think vegan sex is excluded from the porn rules.
Age is a work of art.
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2019:
and you are.
I don't think he was joking. []
glennlab comments on Aug 25, 2019:
Thankfully it is the Congressional Medal of Honor, I wouldn't be surprised to see him grant himself a presidential Medal of Freedom in the batch of papers where he grants himself and his family and cronies pardons for all crimes they have committed prior to the date of the pardon.
Name that speech....
glennlab comments on Aug 25, 2019:
As close as Trump will ever get to Lincoln, unless My American cousin is playing in DC this summer.
Maybe looking for a companion. Oh to be an introspective cow.
glennlab comments on Aug 25, 2019:
Her boy left on a cruise, as the buffet.
Please tell me this is a joke. []
glennlab comments on Aug 25, 2019:
This was first proposed in the 1960s, under Project Plowshare. the science very clearly states not no, but hell no. Not only was it ineffective the amount of radioactive contamination was well beyond acceptable levels even for the early 60s
A Portable Car 45 RPM Record Player. Ever Heard Of This?
glennlab comments on Aug 25, 2019:
where I grew up that would have been a great way to ruin your whole record collection. Washboard roads, in town, in the country potholes to swallow a small car.
I picked a lot of yummy tomatoes last night, and have identified the mystery volunteer vine as mini ...
glennlab comments on Aug 25, 2019:
They appear to be ornamental gourds.
I will admit this might be a pick too finicky, but I really do not want to date a man who is smaller...
glennlab comments on Aug 25, 2019:
Just tell him that you don't think it will work and wish him well and that you don't want to continue.
Ooh, yummy.
glennlab comments on Aug 25, 2019:
why is he bread? (I know you don't write them, but it is funny)
Interesting place.
glennlab comments on Aug 25, 2019:
Who knew Shirley was a swinger.
Wow. Amazing
glennlab comments on Aug 25, 2019:
Time for Charles to join him.
If you could be alone and totally undisturbed with tRump for 10 minutes, what would you do or say?
glennlab comments on Aug 25, 2019:
say nothing, just offer him a cyanide cocktail.
How many nick names can we think of to describe tRump? I'll start - Cheeto
glennlab comments on Aug 25, 2019:
orange anus
That’ll teach em
glennlab comments on Aug 25, 2019:
that'll really teach them not to let you have their password.
Finally, a situation where we don't need a bigger boat.
glennlab comments on Aug 25, 2019:
definitely a hole where you throw money, just not in the water this time.
Today I noticed th rowan trees in the neighborhood.
glennlab comments on Aug 24, 2019:
Made me look it up, beautiful trees.
Trump Ranks With Mother Teresa on Women’s Issues, Surrogate Claims – Rolling Stone
glennlab comments on Aug 24, 2019:
Line up Donne, David and Charles and Mother T and have a field day.
I would have to disagree with that.
glennlab comments on Aug 24, 2019:
if it rocks so much how come most people are happy they lost it?
It's not easy to be romantic.
glennlab comments on Aug 24, 2019:
I want to nibble on her neck, but my teeth are in the bathroom.
Good Saturday afternoon! We've had a busy day so far, and are going to Chuck's sister's soon for a ...
glennlab comments on Aug 24, 2019:
Use by/best by dates are only a suggestion. If it looks ok, smells ok, and tastes ok, use it. The question is whether it is still acceptable to YOU. Many spices start to lose their potency after a short period, but you compensate by using more. Asa long as they don't have bugs in them and meet my criteria, I'll use them until they are gone.
Be strong enough to stand alone, be yourself enough to stay apart, but be wise enough to stand ...
glennlab comments on Aug 24, 2019:
What's going on here?
glennlab comments on Aug 24, 2019:
If I could see it, I'd make a wise ass comment.
Halloween on a budget Sometimes the cheapest costumes are the best costumes.
glennlab comments on Aug 24, 2019:
@azzow2 Got your daughter's costume design , now to figure out your son's.
I could use a waffle about now...
glennlab comments on Aug 24, 2019:
I was in shock this morning.
glennlab comments on Aug 24, 2019:
I told you that when I gave it to you. As prolific a vine as it is, if not for the frits, you would be covered in it, they only eat the leaves. They just found it before it really got established. It will recover over the winter when the butterflies go into semi hibernation.
My post yesterday regarding "Fiddler on the Roof" prompts me to ask, what subjects or interests do ...
glennlab comments on Aug 24, 2019:
Nuclear weapons/warfare.
The double phoenix rising from the ashes and rising in the sky over the Susquehanna River.
glennlab comments on Aug 24, 2019:
nice art work. Love the little face at the bottom
Iron Man's request to Captain America
glennlab comments on Aug 24, 2019:
Not possible, Iron Man didn't show up until 1963, since that time it has never meant that.
And have a nice weekend...
glennlab comments on Aug 24, 2019:
Take care of yourself.
None of us believe in this.
glennlab comments on Aug 24, 2019:
Good warning, I'm not going to poke the cat.
Do you say the pledge of allegiance, when called to do so in a public setting?
glennlab comments on Aug 24, 2019:
It really depends on the situation, if I am in the crowd, I stand,and say nothing, if I am on the dais then I will perform as expected.
Good morning everyone!
glennlab comments on Aug 24, 2019:
I believe that he sold the market short on Thursday and expects to cash in on Monday.
"Condolences poured in from all the politicians he owned and mourners are being asked, in lieu of ...
glennlab comments on Aug 24, 2019:
The only question left is , Who will inherit all the politicians he owned?
Some funny cat videos enjoy
glennlab comments on Aug 24, 2019:
How to stop men from picking up a precious wood sculpture?
glennlab comments on Aug 24, 2019:
I have a very delicate silver sculpture that i have had for over 40 years, It has a glass case. I have had people actually lift the case off to examine it more closely. I finally had to put it out of reach of everyone.
Funny dog meme
glennlab comments on Aug 24, 2019:
a little Napoleon complex going on there,
Sounds good
glennlab comments on Aug 24, 2019:
Had to be, or that strange voice he hears that says go ahead, your people will love it.
Is it true?
glennlab comments on Aug 24, 2019:
The only question is who will inherit all the politicians he bought.
Iron Man's request to Captain America
glennlab comments on Aug 23, 2019:
Since Iron man first appeared in 1963, I kind of doubt it. Captain America was 1941.
This article on Poison Ivy and such, might be helpful to some.
glennlab comments on Aug 23, 2019:
I've been tell people these things for years, but myths die hard. Thanks for the post.
More storms, more rain & more roses.... a photo bomber and some pups thrown in for good measure
glennlab comments on Aug 23, 2019:
Very nice collection.
It sure is when you can find one that wants to go..
glennlab comments on Aug 23, 2019:
Some lovely local butterflies.
glennlab comments on Aug 23, 2019:
I would hazard to guess Buckeye.
I really don't know...
glennlab comments on Aug 23, 2019:
No hand jobs.
I would like to make a suggestion that when an Opening Post is made it cannot be deleted after ...
glennlab comments on Aug 23, 2019:
I would encourage people to make their post anonymous rather than delete it. If you have opened up a shit storm that you did not anticipate, or if you posted in the wrong group (done both, never intentionally) you should be allowed some relief, but others voices should not be silenced by your mis step.
Who are going to believe, Fox Spews or your lying eyes?
glennlab comments on Aug 23, 2019:
The one on the right is obviously photoshopped, no way he is that fit.
"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been.
glennlab comments on Aug 23, 2019:
Never mind I found out who they are superior to
"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been.
glennlab comments on Aug 23, 2019:
The question is superior to what?
Get down!!!
glennlab comments on Aug 23, 2019:
get down or fall down?
I was howling with laughter at this one []
glennlab comments on Aug 23, 2019:
never allow the bull no matter how small to see the bluff wasn't real.
Al fresco dining
glennlab comments on Aug 23, 2019:
guess who's coming for dinner?
Gravity problems.
glennlab comments on Aug 23, 2019:
Has anyone else noticed how cold the water in the bowl is?
VAPE SCARE CDC, FDA, States Continue to Investigate Severe Pulmonary Disease Among People Who Use ...
glennlab comments on Aug 23, 2019:
I would not vape, especially after seeing how easy they are to load the product. The person does not even have to be nefarious to sell you a product that is unsafe.
Some mornings yes. May even have my teddy bear with me 🤗
glennlab comments on Aug 23, 2019:
I have beaten the morning people by sleeping until noon.
Name a song with an animal in the title.
glennlab comments on Aug 23, 2019:
Tiger rag
Did you have one of these in your home?
glennlab comments on Aug 23, 2019:
We sold all of those and had some in the rent houses, but no linoleum in our house.
I think the puppy caught on
glennlab comments on Aug 23, 2019:
@pralina1 they did a a meme with your favorite puppy.
That is just cheap.
glennlab comments on Aug 23, 2019:
Explains why people get better the more puzzles they do.
Oops bad driver
glennlab comments on Aug 23, 2019:
a laughed a little too hard at that one.
memes memes memes
glennlab comments on Aug 23, 2019:
loved them all
glennlab comments on Aug 22, 2019:
I see dumb people
glennlab comments on Aug 22, 2019:
in answer to your profile question, yes mine are
Pick one...I'm going with 3
glennlab comments on Aug 22, 2019:
Your idea of nice and no are different than mine, so I'll just take one off the rack.
Goofing off tonight With flash without flash Doesn't Kitkat have beautiful eyes Oooooh what big ...
glennlab comments on Aug 22, 2019:
You goofing off or horsing around,?
Good Day Everyone -Up and about today.
glennlab comments on Aug 22, 2019:
aside fro death and taxes, hassels at the DMV are something you can count on.
Hey you guise!!! Anyone around for a chat?
glennlab comments on Aug 22, 2019:
it's all water under the bridge.
Sometimes things don’t work out as expected. Or on the positive side, qu’elle suprise! 😎
glennlab comments on Aug 22, 2019:
no wonder they curled up on you, you forgot to but a drain hole in the end.
Some shots from my ride last Sunday.
glennlab comments on Aug 22, 2019:
love the trails like that. nice captures.
For once, he is partially correct. It is a "t" 🤣🤣
glennlab comments on Aug 22, 2019:
Trumps to lazy to light it himself, he would egg on someone else to do it while he made the lies up .
glennlab comments on Aug 22, 2019:
You can even see the ax mark in some pants.
Will You Act Now You POS!
glennlab comments on Aug 22, 2019:
Lets do what we can to make Moscow Mitch an Unemployed bitch
BANK OF AMERICA Payment Processing, Banking Issues Continue To Hinder Small CBD Brands Bank of ...
glennlab comments on Aug 22, 2019:
The only way that I could process bankcard transactions was to clear through an offshore processing facility (Mexico, Grand Caymen, or Indonesia) all required a substantial "set up" fee and minimum monthly dollar amount transactions, as well as an unreasonably high processing fee. I am all cash as a result.
She's not lying!
glennlab comments on Aug 22, 2019:
Damn Mary, that house has been on the market for years, you need to work on your sales technique.
Hey monkey, fuck you! You know who you are.
glennlab comments on Aug 22, 2019:
Be like that, I'll just take my bunch of bananas and go home. lol
Report of infestation of racists!
glennlab comments on Aug 22, 2019:
Two years late, but come on in.
Need Background Check Bills to go to Senate!
glennlab comments on Aug 22, 2019:
Make Moscow Mitch an unemployed bitch.
Let’s clear this up, pup
glennlab comments on Aug 22, 2019:
Stolen for my collection
Funny lyrics
glennlab comments on Aug 22, 2019:
Now I've got that song in my head worse than when I had to get gas in Winslow AZ.
There really needs to be a choice where you can add to multiple groups - cause this definitely fits ...
glennlab comments on Aug 22, 2019:
How hard is it to make a few extra posts? The post sharing thing doesn't really work effectively
Oh oh wrong response
glennlab comments on Aug 22, 2019:
So there is a condolence card in the break room for one of my coworkers who’s dad just died.
glennlab comments on Aug 22, 2019:
Having officiated at several funerals, funerals are for the living not the dead. It depends on how well you know the coworker if not well, sign the card, if well and they are religious, sign the card, if well and they are not religious, send your own card.
UPDATE on Religion's professor saying atheism is a religion.
glennlab comments on Aug 22, 2019:
The first rule of debate is to define your terms, since he is the professor, he gets to define the rules for debate in his classroom. While the primary reason for taking a class should be to learn something, as a college student who has paid money to attend the class, you have other good reasons to take the class, to not waste your money, to meet a graduation requirement, to not mess up your gpa; and to not have to take the class again. Roll with the punches and don't complain until the class is over and the grades recorded.
The horror.
glennlab comments on Aug 22, 2019:
that's what happens when you over think it.
It's party time!
glennlab comments on Aug 21, 2019:
leaf them alone
He’s going to shake the camp up
glennlab comments on Aug 21, 2019:
Summer's almost over, help a bro out.
The morning after the night before
glennlab comments on Aug 21, 2019:
Any morning I wake up.
Does anyone know this pretty tree I saw in Fort Lauderdale on my way to Europe?
glennlab comments on Aug 21, 2019:
looks like a crepe myrtle, but it's hard to tell from that picture.
Research Suggests Trump's Election Has Been Detrimental to Many Americans' Mental Health - Pacific ...
glennlab comments on Aug 21, 2019:
Who'd a thunk that?
I like it both!
glennlab comments on Aug 21, 2019:
Hot and wet
Today I was presented the opportunity to travel to Cuba with a colleague for a cultural exchange ...
glennlab comments on Aug 21, 2019:
do it!
Enjoy your Day
glennlab comments on Aug 20, 2019:
Just got up, 3 cups, then off on another road trip.
Why is this not surprising?
glennlab comments on Aug 20, 2019:
We are back to the Nixon era, blaming education for our problems.
He does not always eat steak....
glennlab comments on Aug 20, 2019:
or didn't pay attention to him for 10 seconds.
I’m new here on the site, I would like to meet people from everywhere to share their knowledge and...
glennlab comments on Aug 20, 2019:
welcome. share. be part of the group.


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