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Sounds effective
glennlab comments on Apr 1, 2022:
It beats telling them to have sex in a way that is anatomically impossible .
Don,t need that love
glennlab comments on Apr 1, 2022:
How long can you tread water?
Well did you
glennlab comments on Apr 1, 2022:
Hello everyone, I am excited to announce the arrival of my great granddaughter Ruby Louise.
glennlab comments on Mar 31, 2022:
The Oscar for best actor goes to...
glennlab comments on Mar 31, 2022:
Chris Rock should be paying Smith a royalty each time he sells out a show, That slap revitalized his career.
And starring a bunch of third rate actors 😵‍💫
glennlab comments on Mar 31, 2022:
The Chinese curse, May you live in interesting times.
Sick of this shit!
glennlab comments on Mar 31, 2022:
Nice ones
Well the weather is a funny thing, is it not ?
glennlab comments on Mar 31, 2022:
that'll teach you not to brag.
I was there ...every Saturday morning.
glennlab comments on Mar 31, 2022:
Will & Chris can work their own shit out, but I do find this funny 🤣
glennlab comments on Mar 30, 2022:
The slap that keeps on getting funnier everyday.
Gas prices are very high overseas.
glennlab comments on Mar 30, 2022:
When I was in Belize, it was over $10 a gallon 3 years ago.
The REAL smackdown seen round the world..
glennlab comments on Mar 30, 2022:
I've been trying to think of a title to that one. Yours is great.
Yeah JC, who?
glennlab comments on Mar 30, 2022:
I love you so much, I'll punish you forever for just being human.
He said the quiet part out loud
glennlab comments on Mar 30, 2022:
It's like when someone forgets the lie they have been telling and spits out the truth by mistake.
Patrick Kearney is a band director in Iowa.
glennlab comments on Mar 30, 2022:
Tucky's going to need a big bandage to cover that wound.
Florida = Civilized?
glennlab comments on Mar 30, 2022:
I don't care if you want hot dogs on your pizza, as long as you don't expect me to eat it.
Titter ye not
glennlab comments on Mar 30, 2022:
aren't we all?
Did you hear Trump hit a hole in one.
glennlab comments on Mar 30, 2022:
hole in one on a par 3 and only took six strokes. Trump discover the best way to improve his golf score was a pencil with an eraser.
The only GOP winning formula!!
glennlab comments on Mar 30, 2022:
nails it perfectly
Trailer from the latest Jaws film
glennlab comments on Mar 30, 2022:
Nothing worst than fake meat.
Does it seem strange that all of the searches to find intelligent live look away from earth?
glennlab comments on Mar 30, 2022:
No sense in wasting effort.
11 Myths And Misconceptions About Cannabis This article was originally published on Askgrowers and...
glennlab comments on Mar 29, 2022:
good read.
Some bad choices on display in today's batch.
glennlab comments on Mar 29, 2022:
good ones
Marjorie Taylor Greene Warns Pete Buttigieg and Husband ‘Stay Out of Girls Bathrooms’ ...
glennlab comments on Mar 29, 2022:
She uses the trolls bathroom.
Boy, I loved our Nintendo!
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2022:
I used to play pong with my ex wife. My son and I bonded over the early video games, Now he's way better than me and thinks my games are weak.
Why no sanctions on the US? []
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2022:
The reason the US did not get sanctions is that we got UN approval and had allied forces going in with us. What Bush did was despicable, it was a war crime in my opinion, but the nations of the world agreed to allow it to happen and many provided support.
If you don't like what someone says just do something about it. []
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2022:
For a little perspective...
Just found atheism on twitter...and a whole new bunch of memes! Enjoy! copy! Share!
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2022:
good set
If you don't like what someone says just do something about it. []
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2022:
Well, Will Smith is no Ted Cruz, but it was a bit much.
Who is with me?
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2022:
too much lettuce
My Sunday meme dump! Lol
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2022:
Good ones. lol
Explains quite a bit...
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2022:
It's the reason for so many prison converts.
I think it’s a monoscuit?
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2022:
chow time
Workin' up a sweat!!!
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2022:
And i do it well.
Or as a warning to kids
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2022:
How about crabs?
I do like those footlongs though.
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2022:
You need to know you audience.
Late one night a burglar broke into a house and while he was sneaking around he heard a voice say, ...
glennlab comments on Mar 26, 2022:
loved it
A little light reading.
glennlab comments on Mar 26, 2022:
Well, what the fuckery?
glennlab comments on Mar 26, 2022:
He left too much on the roll
Saturday nap time!!!! 😂😂😂😂
glennlab comments on Mar 26, 2022:
good ones
An useful advice is a good advice
glennlab comments on Mar 26, 2022:
That's your man
glennlab comments on Mar 26, 2022:
That's how trump gets Melania wet.
Communication is key
glennlab comments on Mar 26, 2022:
You answered too quick.
Franchise exec’s idea to lower restaurant pay gets harsh rebuke: from public, company
glennlab comments on Mar 25, 2022:
When I was working for a church run organization, that was the second in command's attitude.
Im thinking Zoloft & nerve pills too
glennlab comments on Mar 25, 2022:
I use much heavier duty meds, so I'd be a walking schedule II table.
Happy Friday, y'all!
glennlab comments on Mar 25, 2022:
good ones.
Friday morning cuteness
glennlab comments on Mar 25, 2022:
They're listening.
Pills to give your wife.
glennlab comments on Mar 25, 2022:
Not going to even try that.
So true, so true...
glennlab comments on Mar 25, 2022:
If they see your fart, it wasn't just a fart.
Funny Times part two.
glennlab comments on Mar 25, 2022:
I subscribe to a monthly paper "Funny Times.
glennlab comments on Mar 25, 2022:
good ones.
Old but gold
glennlab comments on Mar 25, 2022:
Artist are not acclaimed for their superior intellect, mostly their talent.
They'll never know the struggle! Lol!!!
glennlab comments on Mar 25, 2022:
And then the DJ would talk over the beginning of the song and break in right before it was over.
GOP Rep. Jeff Fortenberry Guilty Of Three Felonies In Campaign Contributions Case - CNNPolitics
glennlab comments on Mar 25, 2022:
I'm not going to hold my breath for him doing time. The Judge is a Trump appointee. But he has repeatedly ruled against all Fortenberry's motions, so there may be hope to see the good congressman doing time.
glennlab comments on Mar 25, 2022:
or a train, remember thomas the little engine that could.
Trump sues Hillary Clinton, DNC and others, alleging conspiracy to link his campaign to Russia ...
glennlab comments on Mar 25, 2022:
Pretty sure that Trump is grasping at straws. As much as he has to hide, I think Trump will commit perjury at least once if not several times. Bill Clinton, who was much smarter and a lawyer fucked up his testimony and ended up in deep shit. Trump is going to go down from his own arrogance.
Texas travel package....
glennlab comments on Mar 24, 2022:
Not just Texas anymore, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Idaho and others by the day. Book your travel to California, Oregon or one of the other more progressive states.
Thursday morning cuteness...I'm pooped!!!
glennlab comments on Mar 24, 2022:
It was tough getting here, now I'll sleep until someone wants so quiet time, then oh happy day.
Me before coffee
glennlab comments on Mar 24, 2022:
Worked for me!
glennlab comments on Mar 24, 2022:
You're right.
50 Epic Toy Design Fails That Are So Bad, It's Hilarious | Bored Panda
glennlab comments on Mar 24, 2022:
To be fair, she likely hasn't read the bible either
glennlab comments on Mar 24, 2022:
She is a Proud product of Mississippi State University
DiNgBaT rEpUgS Sen.
glennlab comments on Mar 24, 2022:
Proof that she cheated to get her BS in home economics from Mississippi State University .
Memes, memes, memes!
glennlab comments on Mar 24, 2022:
girl, you out did yourself.
Trump's Faith Healer's Pray For Trump (The guy walking to and fro behind her is absolute ...
glennlab comments on Mar 23, 2022:
Evangelical Rap?
The pupil has eclipsed the master!
glennlab comments on Mar 23, 2022:
The douche doesn't fall far from the bag.
We may think we name animals bu sometimes they give themselves their own names.
glennlab comments on Mar 23, 2022:
One dog was "Piggy" another "Chewie" both got their name honestly.
As I've long suspected...
glennlab comments on Mar 23, 2022:
cheap meat.
I don’t understand the popularity of this brand?
glennlab comments on Mar 23, 2022:
I avoid starsucks like the plague, even when I am on the road.
Boycott these brands…
glennlab comments on Mar 23, 2022:
Nestle has been on my boycott list for decades because of their infant formula scam.
Republicans gaslighting…
glennlab comments on Mar 23, 2022:
Liars, one and all.
Remainder will cause division because they don't get it.
glennlab comments on Mar 23, 2022:
I resemble that remark
Or dynamiting fish in a barrel.......
glennlab comments on Mar 23, 2022:
actually lol ed
Mini meme dump! Lol
glennlab comments on Mar 23, 2022:
good set
It hurts his little brain
glennlab comments on Mar 23, 2022:
fits his definitions of party.
Please give a warm welcome to @DarkMatter who has joined the group.
glennlab comments on Mar 22, 2022:
Welcome @DarkMatter
When things get out of hand...
glennlab comments on Mar 22, 2022:
not going to argue.
what could possibly go wrong?
glennlab comments on Mar 22, 2022:
come on baby, light my fire.
Envy is a natural feeling.... Lol
glennlab comments on Mar 22, 2022:
Who's a good boy. Not me.
More Fraud in the G.
glennlab comments on Mar 22, 2022:
Why is it nearly every time we find voter fraud, it is a republican.
Our story lol
glennlab comments on Mar 22, 2022:
and it's going to hurt more and longer.
Hello darlin'. Nice to see you. It's been a long time...
glennlab comments on Mar 22, 2022:
They have shots for that, I'll take the pool.
Religious memes! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
glennlab comments on Mar 21, 2022:
thanks for the JC collection
Uno reverse card stikes again
glennlab comments on Mar 21, 2022:
I'd stop playing that game.
Can someone explain it to me?
glennlab comments on Mar 21, 2022:
Word salad served by an orangutan
I was hearing about a contingency of Veternarians heading to Ukraine to help deal with the animals ...
glennlab comments on Mar 21, 2022:
I'm not sure which war this is from, but Gas masks for work animals as well as protective gear has been a military necessity since we stated using them in warfare. Even Hanibal's elephants had some protective armor. Animals suffer whether they are work animals or pets.
Not quite a bird’s nest but😬
glennlab comments on Mar 21, 2022:
How did you get my morning picture?
Don't waste your money...
glennlab comments on Mar 21, 2022:
I'm going to keep trying, you don't lose weight by being a quitter.
If they only knew
glennlab comments on Mar 21, 2022:
One of the nice things about flying SAC, plenty of room to walk around, lay down in the boom pod, but almost all the flights were 12 hours or more.
A lot of experience
glennlab comments on Mar 21, 2022:
When you're happy you stenciled your duffel bag.
Mind blown!
glennlab comments on Mar 21, 2022:
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away ..
glennlab comments on Mar 20, 2022:
Here's another one
Wow! Just wow!
glennlab comments on Mar 20, 2022:
That hurt my brain to read.
I need to visit this...
glennlab comments on Mar 20, 2022:
Nice sandwich shop.
So does Progressives, Socialists and Black Lives Matter group show up as "unavailable" to any other ...
glennlab comments on Mar 20, 2022:
Try I haven't seen a pro Russian bias there @racocn8 @Garban, @bobwjr, @Diaco @Redheadedgammy, @KKGator, @Sticks48, @LucyLoohoo
1 in 10 Americans say the COVID vaccine conflicts with their religious beliefs : NPR
glennlab comments on Mar 20, 2022:
During Vietnam, the only religious exemptions were for deeply held religious beliefs. You had to prove that they were part of the faith, that they were long held, and that the faith had long held them. Recent conversion or acceptance were not acceptable
Beliefs to unlearn
glennlab comments on Mar 20, 2022:
Religion, teaching self loathing since 3000 BCE.
[] I am dead inside
glennlab comments on Mar 20, 2022:
Circular arguments, gotta love'em
Here is sooo much truth on this , I can’t even ...
glennlab comments on Mar 20, 2022:
I must be Italian and British.
[] U have to laugh 😂🤡😂🤡😂🤡
glennlab comments on Mar 20, 2022:
good one


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